Ver. 4.7Download for BioExplorer, BioEra, eBioo, EEGer, Mind-Body Training Tools, Neurobit Recorder and SmartMind. Download for BrainBay and applications created by users. Ver. 4.6.7Ver. 4.6.6Ver. 4.6.5Ver. 4.6.4Ver. 4.6.2Protection against connection failure due to double click of the Test button on the Test tab in the device settings window. Warnings about incompatible state of the device are no longer shown in BioExplorer.
Ver. 4.6Resolved problems with USB link establishment immediately after connecting the USB cable. Corrected the log file update in some situations. Log file no longer uses standard output.
Ver. 4.5A workaround for BioExplorer error (at least for v. and earlier), which prevented the use of non-seqentially enabled channels (e.g. only B and D). It now allows, for example, to use EEG cap with DB-25 connector for one- or two-channel measurement in sites available only in channels C and D, such as O1 and O2 (without the use of ECI quick insert electrodes). Corrected import of settings from NO+2* to NO+4* devices.
Ver. 4.4Ver. 4.3New function searching for the first available device and providing its data. Adjusted support for multiple connected Optima(+) USB devices (from series 1901). Some configuration adjustments for Optima(+) devices from series 1901. In the settings window, on Test tab, increased resolution of digital indicators for impedances below 100 kOhm. Some error messages corrected.
Ver. 4.2Bluetooth connection establishment in the background, as well as final communication with the device, can now be terminated earlier. Additional protection against missing calls of some terminating functions in an application.
Ver. 4.1Added an option of asynchronous connection establihment (without blocking the main thread). Some minor changes in link recovery and work of link state indicator. Removed a bug for loading of configuration file for NL-100 device.
Ver. 4.0Support for 6 new device models, including Neurobit Optima+. EEG cap tab added for devices with cap interface (Neurobit Optima+ 4). Support of extra digital channel in Neurobit Optima+ (enabling to manually mark events with a button, for example). Storage of different device model can now be imported, if it remains adequate to the target model (e.g. from NO-2 to NO-4). Controls of list parameters with only one option are now shown inactive. Automatic filling of a channel label, when channel profile and/or EEG cap connection is changed manually on a channel tab or via the cap tab. The label set this way can be still extended manually afterwards. Thresholds of impedance test indicators have been lowered to 10 kOhm (warning-yellow) and 30 kOhm (error-red). The parameter 'Sum disconnected' is now set for temperature selected as a channel function. Driver's log file (if enabled) is now created in the folder of a calling program (or corresponding VirtualStore), irrespective of a current directory. Better width adjustment of text list fields. For BioExplorer (v. or earlier), only Neurobit Optima subfamily (2 or 4-channel) is choosen in the device manager, whereas a concrete device model is selected on the General tab in device settings window. Error windows created by the driver are shown for BioExplorer application. Multiple occurences of the same message are compressed. Blocked adding a second device in BioExplorer, as it cannot correctly support it.
Ver. 3.7Ver. 3.6The channel profile 'EEG 250sps' has been added. It simplifies configuration of EEG measurement at 250 samples per second (2 fold higher, than for 'EEG' profile available so far). For 'EEG' and 'EEG 250sps' channel profiles the 'Common reference' field is now set to 'Reference 1' by default. This setting is suitable for referential derivations (used most commonly).
Ver. 3.5Ver. 3.3Neurobit device settings, which have been already set by a superior configuration means of an application, can now be locked (not available for manual changes) in the settings window of the Neurobit Driver.
Ver. 3.2.3'Power mains frequency' setting (used e.g. by Neurobit Optima) is now read from the system registry (and not from design or configuration file maintained by an application). And it is set automatically, based on user's geographic location (country) set in the system ('Control Panel'/'Regional and Language Options'/Location), when the Neurobit Driver starts the first time, or when a user has changed geographic location in the system since previous start of the driver. Nevertheless, user can still change power frequency selection. It may be necessary e.g. when traveling and location info in the system is not up-to-date, or in Japan, where two power frequencies are in use. This setting is now common for all applications using Neurobit Driver and all users of a given computer. Removed bug: in rare cases the application crashed while changing a channel setting having dependencies (e.g. 'Channel profile' or 'Channel function' influencing other channel parameters). For interoperation with BioExplorer application (v. 1.6 or earlier), which does not store Neurobit device settings along with a design, two buttons facilitating device configuration have been added at the bottom of the window: - 'Load' settings from file,
- 'Save' settings in file.
Notes: - Make sure that loaded configuration is suitable for current BioExplorer design (e.g. that channels are configured to measure EEG for a neurofeedback design).
- Only configuration file for current device model (selected in the Device Manager of the application) can be loaded.
For Neurobit Optima devices, information about upper frequency limit of temperature signal band has been updated according to changes in Optima firmware ver. 1.1. The 'Sum disconnected' option is checked by default for the 'Temperature' channel profile. Impedance bars on Test tab are now more accurate. Background colors in device settings window have been corrected for eBioo application.
Ver. 3.1Status tab has been added in the device settings window during normal measurement session. It enables to see detailed status (of each measurement channel) if it is not shown directly in an application window. Test tab is now hidden in the device settings window during normal measurement session. When 'Device address' field is emptied manually, the default address is automatically set. Application can now read device serial number.
Ver. 3.0.7Ver. 3.0.6Channel parameter Common reference added for Optima devices. It informs of external connection of '-' input of a given channel to a common reference electrode. Its suitable selection is required for correct results of electrode-skin impedance tests for such inputs. However, that selection brings result for Optima devices with firmware version 1.0.1 or newer (nevertheless, compatibility with Optima firmware 1.0 is preserved). Help file for Device services has been included.
| Update instructionsDownload the latest driver version for your application using one of the links below. If you have running an application supporting Neurobit equipment, exit it. System administrator rights are required in this step. Unpack the downloaded archive to a suitable folder of your application, overwriting existing files. Folders for driver files depending on an application (usually in relation to 'C:Program Files' or 'C:Program Files (x86)' folder): application | folder | BioExplorer | BioExplorer | BrainBay | BrainBayNeurobitRuntime | BioEra Pro, Mind-Body Training Tools | BioEraProdriversneurobit | eBioo | eBioo | EEGer | EEGerIOtestNeurobitRuntime | Neurobit Recorder | NeurobitRecorder | SmartMind | SmartMindLibsSupport |
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